The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) table is a significant aspect of modern computing. Initially developed in the 1960s, ASCII was standardized to represent text-based information in computers, communications equipment, and other text-based devices. This article offers an in-depth look into the ASCII table, its structure, and uses.
Understanding the ASCII Table
ASCII is a character encoding standard that assigns unique numeric values to letters, digits, punctuation marks, space, control characters, and other symbols. The original ASCII standard uses 7 bits to represent each character, allowing 128 unique combinations (from 0 to 127). An extended version of ASCII uses an additional bit, expanding the range to 256 characters.
The Structure of the ASCII Table
The ASCII table is divided into two main sections:
- Control Characters (0 – 31 and 127): These characters are not printable as they are intended to control hardware devices. Examples include carriage return (CR), line feed (LF), and escape (ESC).
- Printable Characters (32 – 126): These characters include the common characters used in English writing. This section starts from space (32), goes through punctuation, numbers, uppercase letters, and more punctuation, and ends with lowercase letters.
An extended version of the ASCII table includes additional characters beyond 127, like foreign language characters, special symbols, and graphical elements.
Standard ASCII Table
0 | 00 | 000 | 00000000 | NUL | Null char |
1 | 01 | 001 | 00000001 | SOH | Start of Heading |
2 | 02 | 002 | 00000010 | STX | Start of Text |
3 | 03 | 003 | 00000011 | ETX | End of Text |
4 | 04 | 004 | 00000100 | EOT | End of Transmission |
5 | 05 | 005 | 00000101 | ENQ | Enquiry |
6 | 06 | 006 | 00000110 | ACK | Acknowledgment |
7 | 07 | 007 | 00000111 | BEL | Bell |
8 | 08 | 010 | 00001000 | BS | Back Space |
9 | 09 | 011 | 00001001 | HT | Horizontal Tab |
10 | 0A | 012 | 00001010 | LF | Line Feed |
11 | 0B | 013 | 00001011 | VT | Vertical Tab |
12 | 0C | 014 | 00001100 | FF | Form Feed |
13 | 0D | 015 | 00001101 | CR | Carriage Return |
14 | 0E | 016 | 00001110 | SO | Shift Out / X-On |
15 | 0F | 017 | 00001111 | SI | Shift In / X-Off |
16 | 10 | 020 | 00010000 | DLE | Data Line Escape |
17 | 11 | 021 | 00010001 | DC1 | Device Control 1 (oft. XON) |
18 | 12 | 022 | 00010010 | DC2 | Device Control 2 |
19 | 13 | 023 | 00010011 | DC3 | Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF) |
20 | 14 | 024 | 00010100 | DC4 | Device Control 4 |
21 | 15 | 025 | 00010101 | NAK | Negative Acknowledgement |
22 | 16 | 026 | 00010110 | SYN | Synchronous Idle |
23 | 17 | 027 | 00010111 | ETB | End of Transmit Block |
24 | 18 | 030 | 00011000 | CAN | Cancel |
25 | 19 | 031 | 00011001 | EM | End of Medium |
26 | 1A | 032 | 00011010 | SUB | Substitute |
27 | 1B | 033 | 00011011 | ESC | Escape |
28 | 1C | 034 | 00011100 | FS | File Separator |
29 | 1D | 035 | 00011101 | GS | Group Separator |
30 | 1E | 036 | 00011110 | RS | Record Separator |
31 | 1F | 037 | 00011111 | US | Unit Separator |
32 | 20 | 040 | 00100000 | SP | Space |
33 | 21 | 041 | 00100001 | ! | Exclamation mark |
34 | 22 | 042 | 00100010 | “ | Quotation mark |
35 | 23 | 043 | 00100011 | # | Number sign |
36 | 24 | 044 | 00100100 | $ | Dollar sign |
37 | 25 | 045 | 00100101 | % | Percent sign |
38 | 26 | 046 | 00100110 | & | Ampersand |
39 | 27 | 047 | 00100111 | ‘ | Apostrophe |
40 | 28 | 050 | 00101000 | ( | Left parenthesis |
41 | 29 | 051 | 00101001 | ) | Right parenthesis |
42 | 2A | 052 | 00101010 | * | Asterisk |
43 | 2B | 053 | 00101011 | + | Plus sign |
44 | 2C | 054 | 00101100 | , | Comma |
45 | 2D | 055 | 00101101 | – | Minus sign |
46 | 2E | 056 | 00101110 | . | Period / dot |
47 | 2F | 057 | 00101111 | / | Slash / divide |
48 | 30 | 060 | 00110000 | 0 | Digit 0 |
49 | 31 | 061 | 00110001 | 1 | Digit 1 |
50 | 32 | 062 | 00110010 | 2 | Digit 2 |
51 | 33 | 063 | 00110011 | 3 | Digit 3 |
52 | 34 | 064 | 00110100 | 4 | Digit 4 |
53 | 35 | 065 | 00110101 | 5 | Digit 5 |
54 | 36 | 066 | 00110110 | 6 | Digit 6 |
55 | 37 | 067 | 00110111 | 7 | Digit 7 |
56 | 38 | 070 | 00111000 | 8 | Digit 8 |
57 | 39 | 071 | 00111001 | 9 | Digit 9 |
58 | 3A | 072 | 00111010 | : | Colon |
59 | 3B | 073 | 00111011 | ; | Semicolon |
60 | 3C | 074 | 00111100 | < | Less than |
61 | 3D | 075 | 00111101 | = | Equals sign |
62 | 3E | 076 | 00111110 | > | Greater than |
63 | 3F | 077 | 00111111 | ? | Question mark |
64 | 40 | 100 | 01000000 | @ | At symbol |
65 | 41 | 101 | 01000001 | A | Uppercase A |
66 | 42 | 102 | 01000010 | B | Uppercase B |
67 | 43 | 103 | 01000011 | C | Uppercase C |
68 | 44 | 104 | 01000100 | D | Uppercase D |
69 | 45 | 105 | 01000101 | E | Uppercase E |
70 | 46 | 106 | 01000110 | F | Uppercase F |
71 | 47 | 107 | 01000111 | G | Uppercase G |
72 | 48 | 110 | 01001000 | H | Uppercase H |
73 | 49 | 111 | 01001001 | I | Uppercase I |
74 | 4A | 112 | 01001010 | J | Uppercase J |
75 | 4B | 113 | 01001011 | K | Uppercase K |
76 | 4C | 114 | 01001100 | L | Uppercase L |
77 | 4D | 115 | 01001101 | M | Uppercase M |
78 | 4E | 116 | 01001110 | N | Uppercase N |
79 | 4F | 117 | 01001111 | O | Uppercase O |
80 | 50 | 120 | 01010000 | P | Uppercase P |
81 | 51 | 121 | 01010001 | Q | Uppercase Q |
82 | 52 | 122 | 01010010 | R | Uppercase R |
83 | 53 | 123 | 01010011 | S | Uppercase S |
84 | 54 | 124 | 01010100 | T | Uppercase T |
85 | 55 | 125 | 01010101 | U | Uppercase U |
86 | 56 | 126 | 01010110 | V | Uppercase V |
87 | 57 | 127 | 01010111 | W | Uppercase W |
88 | 58 | 130 | 01011000 | X | Uppercase X |
89 | 59 | 131 | 01011001 | Y | Uppercase Y |
90 | 5A | 132 | 01011010 | Z | Uppercase Z |
91 | 5B | 133 | 01011011 | [ | Left square bracket |
92 | 5C | 134 | 01011100 | \ | Backslash |
93 | 5D | 135 | 01011101 | ] | Right square bracket |
94 | 5E | 136 | 01011110 | ^ | Caret |
95 | 5F | 137 | 01011111 | _ | Underscore |
96 | 60 | 140 | 01100000 | ` | Grave accent |
97 | 61 | 141 | 01100001 | a | Lowercase a |
98 | 62 | 142 | 01100010 | b | Lowercase b |
99 | 63 | 143 | 01100011 | c | Lowercase c |
100 | 64 | 144 | 01100100 | d | Lowercase d |
101 | 65 | 145 | 01100101 | e | Lowercase e |
102 | 66 | 146 | 01100110 | f | Lowercase f |
103 | 67 | 147 | 01100111 | g | Lowercase g |
104 | 68 | 150 | 01101000 | h | Lowercase h |
105 | 69 | 151 | 01101001 | i | Lowercase i |
106 | 6A | 152 | 01101010 | j | Lowercase j |
107 | 6B | 153 | 01101011 | k | Lowercase k |
108 | 6C | 154 | 01101100 | l | Lowercase l |
109 | 6D | 155 | 01101101 | m | Lowercase m |
110 | 6E | 156 | 01101110 | n | Lowercase n |
111 | 6F | 157 | 01101111 | o | Lowercase o |
112 | 70 | 160 | 01110000 | p | Lowercase p |
113 | 71 | 161 | 01110001 | q | Lowercase q |
114 | 72 | 162 | 01110010 | r | Lowercase r |
115 | 73 | 163 | 01110011 | s | Lowercase s |
116 | 74 | 164 | 01110100 | t | Lowercase t |
117 | 75 | 165 | 01110101 | u | Lowercase u |
118 | 76 | 166 | 01110110 | v | Lowercase v |
119 | 77 | 167 | 01110111 | w | Lowercase w |
120 | 78 | 170 | 01111000 | x | Lowercase x |
121 | 79 | 171 | 01111001 | y | Lowercase y |
122 | 7A | 172 | 01111010 | z | Lowercase z |
123 | 7B | 173 | 01111011 | { | Left curly bracket |
124 | 7C | 174 | 01111100 | | | Vertical bar |
125 | 7D | 175 | 01111101 | } | Right curly bracket |
126 | 7E | 176 | 01111110 | ~ | Tilde |
127 | 7F | 177 | 01111111 | DEL | Delete |
Extended ASCII Table
Dec | Hex | Oct | Binary | Character | Description |
128 | 80 | 200 | 10000000 | Ç | Majuscule C-cedilla |
129 | 81 | 201 | 10000001 | ü | Minuscule u-umlaut |
130 | 82 | 202 | 10000010 | é | Minuscule e-acute |
131 | 83 | 203 | 10000011 | â | Minuscule a-circumflex |
132 | 84 | 204 | 10000100 | ä | Minuscule a-umlaut |
133 | 85 | 205 | 10000101 | à | Minuscule a-grave |
134 | 86 | 206 | 10000110 | å | Minuscule a-ring |
135 | 87 | 207 | 10000111 | ç | Minuscule c-cedilla |
136 | 88 | 210 | 10001000 | ê | Minuscule e-circumflex |
137 | 89 | 211 | 10001001 | ë | Minuscule e-umlaut |
138 | 8A | 212 | 10001010 | è | Minuscule e-grave |
139 | 8B | 213 | 10001011 | ï | Minuscule i-umlaut |
140 | 8C | 214 | 10001100 | î | Minuscule i-circumflex |
141 | 8D | 215 | 10001101 | ì | Minuscule i-grave |
142 | 8E | 216 | 10001110 | Ä | Majuscule A-umlaut |
143 | 8F | 217 | 10001111 | Å | Majuscule A-ring |
144 | 90 | 220 | 10010000 | É | Majuscule E-acute |
145 | 91 | 221 | 10010001 | æ | Minuscule ae |
146 | 92 | 222 | 10010010 | Æ | Majuscule AE |
147 | 93 | 223 | 10010011 | ô | Minuscule o-circumflex |
148 | 94 | 224 | 10010100 | ö | Minuscule o-umlaut |
149 | 95 | 225 | 10010101 | ò | Minuscule o-grave |
150 | 96 | 226 | 10010110 | û | Minuscule u-circumflex |
151 | 97 | 227 | 10010111 | ù | Minuscule u-grave |
152 | 98 | 230 | 10011000 | ÿ | Minuscule y-umlaut |
153 | 99 | 231 | 10011001 | Ö | Majuscule O-umlaut |
154 | 9A | 232 | 10011010 | Ü | Majuscule U-umlaut |
155 | 9B | 233 | 10011011 | ¢ | Cent sign |
156 | 9C | 234 | 10011100 | £ | Pound sign |
157 | 9D | 235 | 10011101 | ¥ | Yen sign |
158 | 9E | 236 | 10011110 | ₧ | Peseta sign |
159 | 9F | 237 | 10011111 | ƒ | Florin sign |
160 | A0 | 240 | 10100000 | á | Minuscule a-acute |
161 | A1 | 241 | 10100001 | í | Minuscule i-acute |
162 | A2 | 242 | 10100010 | ó | Minuscule o-acute |
163 | A3 | 243 | 10100011 | ú | Minuscule u-acute |
164 | A4 | 244 | 10100100 | ñ | Minuscule n-tilde |
165 | A5 | 245 | 10100101 | Ñ | Majuscule N-tilde |
166 | A6 | 246 | 10100110 | ª | Feminine ordinal |
167 | A7 | 247 | 10100111 | º | Masculine ordinal |
168 | A8 | 250 | 10101000 | ¿ | Inverted question mark |
169 | A9 | 251 | 10101001 | ⌐ | Reversed not sign |
170 | AA | 252 | 10101010 | ¬ | Not sign |
171 | AB | 253 | 10101011 | ½ | One half |
172 | AC | 254 | 10101100 | ¼ | One quarter |
173 | AD | 255 | 10101101 | ¡ | Inverted exclamation |
174 | AE | 256 | 10101110 | « | Left angle quote |
175 | AF | 257 | 10101111 | » | Right angle quote |
176 | B0 | 260 | 10110000 | ░ | Light shade |
177 | B1 | 261 | 10110001 | ▒ | Medium shade |
178 | B2 | 262 | 10110010 | ▓ | Dark shade |
179 | B3 | 263 | 10110011 | │ | Box drawings light vertical |
180 | B4 | 264 | 10110100 | ┤ | Box drawings light vertical and left |
181 | B5 | 265 | 10110101 | ╡ | Box drawings vertical single and left double |
182 | B6 | 266 | 10110110 | ╢ | Box drawings vertical double and left single |
183 | B7 | 267 | 10110111 | ╖ | Box drawings down double and left single |
184 | B8 | 270 | 10111000 | ╕ | Box drawings down single and left double |
185 | B9 | 271 | 10111001 | ╣ | Box drawings double vertical and left |
186 | BA | 272 | 10111010 | ║ | Box drawings double vertical |
187 | BB | 273 | 10111011 | ╝ | Box drawings double up and left |
188 | BC | 274 | 10111100 | ╜ | Box drawings up single and left double |
189 | BD | 275 | 10111101 | ╛ | Box drawings up double and left single |
190 | BE | 276 | 10111110 | ┐ | Box drawings light down and left |
191 | BF | 277 | 10111111 | └ | Box drawings light up and right |
192 | C0 | 300 | 11000000 | ┴ | Box drawings light up and horizontal |
193 | C1 | 301 | 11000001 | ┬ | Box drawings light down and horizontal |
194 | C2 | 302 | 11000010 | ├ | Box drawings light vertical and right |
195 | C3 | 303 | 11000011 | ─ | Box drawings light horizontal |
196 | C4 | 304 | 11000100 | ┼ | Box drawings light vertical and horizontal |
197 | C5 | 305 | 11000101 | ╞ | Box drawings vertical single and right double |
198 | C6 | 306 | 11000110 | ╟ | Box drawings vertical double and right single |
199 | C7 | 307 | 11000111 | ╚ | Box drawings double up and right |
200 | C8 | 310 | 11001000 | ╔ | Box drawings double down and right |
201 | C9 | 311 | 11001001 | ╩ | Box drawings double up and horizontal |
202 | CA | 312 | 11001010 | ╦ | Box drawings double down and horizontal |
203 | CB | 313 | 11001011 | ╠ | Box drawings double vertical and right |
204 | CC | 314 | 11001100 | ═ | Box drawings double horizontal |
205 | CD | 315 | 11001101 | ╬ | Box drawings double vertical and horizontal |
206 | CE | 316 | 11001110 | ╧ | Box drawings up single and horizontal double |
207 | CF | 317 | 11001111 | ╨ | Box drawings up double and horizontal single |
208 | D0 | 320 | 11010000 | ╤ | Box drawings down single and horizontal double |
209 | D1 | 321 | 11010001 | ╥ | Box drawings down double and horizontal single |
210 | D2 | 322 | 11010010 | ╙ | Box drawings up single and right double |
211 | D3 | 323 | 11010011 | ╘ | Box drawings up double and right single |
212 | D4 | 324 | 11010100 | ╒ | Box drawings down single and right double |
213 | D5 | 325 | 11010101 | ╓ | Box drawings down double and right single |
214 | D6 | 326 | 11010110 | ╫ | Box drawings vertical double and horizontal single |
215 | D7 | 327 | 11010111 | ╪ | Box drawings vertical single and horizontal double |
216 | D8 | 330 | 11011000 | ┘ | Box drawings light up and left |
217 | D9 | 331 | 11011001 | ┌ | Box drawings light down and right |
218 | DA | 332 | 11011010 | █ | Full block |
219 | DB | 333 | 11011011 | ▄ | Lower half block |
220 | DC | 334 | 11011100 | ▌ | Left half block |
221 | DD | 335 | 11011101 | ▐ | Right half block |
222 | DE | 336 | 11011110 | ▀ | Upper half block |
223 | DF | 337 | 11011111 | α | Alpha |
224 | E0 | 340 | 11100000 | ß | Sharp S or Beta |
225 | E1 | 341 | 11100001 | Γ | Gamma |
226 | E2 | 342 | 11100010 | π | Pi |
227 | E3 | 343 | 11100011 | Σ | Sigma |
228 | E4 | 344 | 11100100 | σ | Sigma minuscule |
229 | E5 | 345 | 11100101 | µ | Micro |
230 | E6 | 346 | 11100110 | τ | Tau |
231 | E7 | 347 | 11100111 | Φ | Phi majuscule |
232 | E8 | 350 | 11101000 | Θ | Theta |
233 | E9 | 351 | 11101001 | Ω | Omega |
234 | EA | 352 | 11101010 | δ | Delta minuscule |
235 | EB | 353 | 11101011 | ∞ | Infinity |
236 | EC | 354 | 11101100 | φ | Phi minuscule |
237 | ED | 355 | 11101101 | ε | Epsilon |
238 | EE | 356 | 11101110 | ∩ | Intersection |
239 | EF | 357 | 11101111 | ≡ | Identical to |
240 | F0 | 360 | 11110000 | ± | Plus-minus |
241 | F1 | 361 | 11110001 | ≥ | Greater-than or equal to |
242 | F2 | 362 | 11110010 | ≤ | Less-than or equal to |
243 | F3 | 363 | 11110011 | ⌠ | Top half of integral |
244 | F4 | 364 | 11110100 | ⌡ | Bottom half of integral |
245 | F5 | 365 | 11110101 | ÷ | Division sign |
246 | F6 | 366 | 11110110 | ≈ | Almost equal to |
247 | F7 | 367 | 11110111 | ° | Degree sign |
248 | F8 | 370 | 11111000 | ∙ | Bullet operator |
249 | F9 | 371 | 11111001 | · | Middle dot |
250 | FA | 372 | 11111010 | √ | Square root |
251 | FB | 373 | 11111011 | ⁿ | Superscript n |
252 | FC | 374 | 11111100 | ² | Superscript two |
253 | FD | 375 | 11111101 | ■ | Black square |
254 | FE | 376 | 11111110 | NBSP in DOS, Unicode | |
255 | FF | 377 | 11111111 | Undefined in DOS, y with diaeresis in Unicode |
Uses of ASCII
Since its inception, ASCII has become a fundamental standard in the computing world. Here are a few of its essential uses:
- Communication between devices: ASCII is widely used for data transmission between devices. Many protocols, like HTTP and SMTP, use ASCII for formatting and data exchange.
- Text files: ASCII is commonly used for plain text files. Notepad and other basic text editors primarily use ASCII.
- Programming: Many programming languages use ASCII values for character processing. For example, in C and Python, you can use ASCII values to perform arithmetic on characters.
- Art and design: ASCII is used in creating text-based art and design, known as ASCII art.
ASCII and Unicode
While ASCII is incredibly useful, it has one notable limitation—it is unsuitable for languages other than English. That’s where Unicode comes in.
Unicode is a character encoding standard that aims to represent all characters from all languages. It includes ASCII as a subset, meaning all ASCII characters have the same values in Unicode. Unlike ASCII, which uses 7 or 8 bits, Unicode can use 8, 16, or 32 bits, representing a much larger range of characters.
In conclusion, the ASCII table is a foundational standard in the digital world. Despite being several decades old, ASCII continues to be an essential tool for digital communication and data processing. Unicode has extended its usefulness by providing a comprehensive and inclusive character encoding system. ASCII and Unicode together form a crucial part of our digital communication infrastructure.